So, we move/nos vamos /

Nuestra nueva casa/Our new home
Gracias a todos/thank you all, Irie People!



Hibi no Neiro... Tone Of everyday

This music video was shot for Sour's 'Hibi no Neiro' (Tone of everyday) from their first mini album 'Water Flavor EP'. The cast were selected from the actual Sour fan base, from many countries around the world. Each person and scene was filmed purely via webcam.

Director: Who-fu (Magico + Masayoshi Nakamura ) , Hal & Masa

SOUR official site:

2009 Zealot Co.,ltd / Neutral Nine Records

-----------------LYRICS --------------

 Your heart that gently reflects in the puddle
is your tone, as you pass through the maze of everyday

Footsteps of spring
the city starts adding color
The melody flowsLE LU LA LI
Through the colored lenses

Between the waves of all the different values
JazzRockPops Category no more
Whats the most important thing?

Spinning and turning on the overpass
as we overtake that season
this and that, which color is your melody?
Sometimes you could get confused

Between the waves of all different values
JazzRockPops Category no more
What are you thinking of now?

If we can embrace all the differences
It will shine the sky in rainbow colors
Your heart that gently reflects in the puddle
is your tone, as you pass through the maze of everyday

You can see it in any color, because of your clear feeling
Dont worry about it, lets just go as we are.
If we can embrace all the differences
The rain will stop, and the sky will shines in rainbow colors

Your heart that gently reflects in the puddle
is your tone, as you pass through the maze of everyday
You can see it in any color, because of your clear feeling
Let your tone shine like the rainbow

Pass through the maze of everyday
And start playing your tone



    "Why do you love traveling? what do you find there?" -you asked me, a bit anxious.

I woke up late, my phone was ringing, I wasn't able to pick up on time, but I heard the message. Not good news this time; "Is not a matter of destiny or age, we chose the steps we took in life, we will all end up there... some people even believe death is just the beginning of a new trip... bullshit, I have some experience and is not easy to say goodbye to a beloved one,  anyway I needed to travel again.
Now I'm heading to the north, light weigth on my shoulders, new place, new work, small suitcase... I have this delicious subtle feeling called happyness. Few days ago, I was on the road again, I lifted some hitchhikers, they had beautiful, smiling, shining eyes; skin totally tanned. "¡It was unbelievable!" -I heard their stories, suddenly a well known tune came trough the speakers, I saw tears falling down. They were just coming back from the best concert of their lifes, one they will never forget.

Friendship, family, unfinished stories, passion, work, school, life, locura, love... together or alone, we walk the line.

Coming or going, good luck to all of you on the road.



5 limones
2 dientes de ajo
Sol, al gusto
350 grs. de camarones, con cascara
1 pedazo de cielo
5 zanahorias en rebanadas
1 playa desierta o semidesierta, al gusto
sal y pimienta al gusto
2 ramitas de yerbas aromáticas
1 mclrs
1 taza de arroz
250 grs. de pulpo y caracol
Olas abundantes
2 tomates rojos, asados y pelados
75 kg. de música
1 pescado fresco
3 papas sin cáscara, cortadas en cuadritos
1 cebolla
2 cucharadas soperas de placer
1 lechuga
1 aguacate rebanado
5 chiles guajillo, asados, desvenados y remojados

Remojar, hervir, licuar, nadar, escurrir, colar, añadir, mezclar, calentar, freir... lentamente; el tiempo que sea necesario... ¡Sonria, disfrute!


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