So, we move/nos vamos /

Nuestra nueva casa/Our new home
Gracias a todos/thank you all, Irie People!



Best Place

A recent comment made me think on places where love can be made, are there best places for doing it? So I posted this:

Por favor ayudenme respondiendo cuál es el mejor lugar para hacer el amor, tener relaciones sexuales, coger o como quieran llamarle (Las respuestas no son para fines estadísticos, ni personales, agradecería que constestaran con base en la experiencia personal... aunque esta bien si quieren fantasear)

Help needed... Could you please help me answering which is the best place to make love, have sex, fuck or as however you want to name it? (Answers are not for statistics or personal purposes. And is appreciated if you answer based on experience, even It's ok if you want to fantasize)


Here are some of the answers with no particular order and just for fun (some of them were repeated)
  • Wherever you can afford it
  • In an arqueological site
  • The kitchen
  • The lake
  • Bed
  • At girlfriend's place with her parents sleeping upstairs
  • Pool table
  • Wherever as long as it's with...
  • At your sister's bed
  • The beach
  • A hammock as long as it's not cold
Feel free to send your best choice, for now I guess the only not good place is where you don't want to.

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