So, we move/nos vamos /

Nuestra nueva casa/Our new home
Gracias a todos/thank you all, Irie People!



"Play I some music"

I was wondering why reggae music always makes me feel so good and positive, so I wrote to my friend, Professor Wenceslao.
-What is energy? Do you think music can create different kinds of energy? what about reggae?

Hola Arturo -he replied after some days. Energy, space and time are measurable concepts, they are related in a very profound way. Energy can travel from one region to another and can take many forms, but the main thing is that the total energy of the universe is always conserved.
Sound corresponds precisely to density fluctuations at a given traveling speed (waveform) in either a gas (say air) in a liquid (eg water), or in a solid (as the surface of a drum) the material is stretched or narrow. Light also carries energy (electromagnetic energy) part of which plants transform into chemical energy.
So when we hear reggae, some of the energy that carries the sound is used to move the tympanic membrane (converts in  mechanical energy). Now the human being can be seen as a sophisticated organism that regulates energy (exchange energy with the environment) and what most likely is that music affects the way in which the individual regulates his energy. For example, perhaps the body of a person decide for certain types of music to send a large amount of electrochemical impulses (electrochemical energy) to the brain, because suddenly gets the urge to feed the memory. Knows the song and follows the lyrics, the lyrics in turn can be connected with some very special chapter of his life, if it is something cheerful or pleasant, the body can demand the release of endorphins. But the reaction can be inconsistent with other kinds of music. This game between the two reaction is very well expressed in the film "Clockwork Orange" by Stanley Kubrick, in which Beethoven's music was used to condition human thought. I hope this comment can be of any use.

I believe we are also a traveling energy, moving in time and space, at a different speed. In the road we meet, connect, exchange, regulate and transform ourselves and other traveling energies, we may change, we can be light, darkness, sound, silence, jazz, techno, blues, reggae, punk, house, disco, funk, salsa, polka, son, cumbia, minimal, ska, bossa, rockabilly, pop, folk, metal, country, dub... Crank it up selecter!!!, the world is the greatest playlist, and you are music. Beautiful!

"We are a neuromuscular system in contact with another neuromuscular system... So let's feel one another."

David Keil

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